Science Out Loud – Traditional Fishing Methods of Africa
Date: Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Time: 18:00 for 18:30
Venue: Cape Town Science Centre (370B Main Road, Observatory)
Cost: R50 per person
Bookings: or 021 300 3200
Mike Bruton will present a richly illustrated talk on the fascinating variety of fishing methods that have been developed by traditional fishermen in Africa and surrounding islands over the centuries to catch fishes and other aquatic animals. These traditional fishing methods represent an important component of our indigenous knowledge and have been developed taking into account the behaviour, distribution and breeding biology of African marine and freshwater fishes as well as turtles, dugongs, hippos and other prey. Many of these methods harvest fishes sustainably, which is in contrast to the ruthlessly efficient ‘modern’ methods that are replacing them, such as monofilament gillnets, mosquito nets, poisons and explosives, which are causing irreversible harm to fish stocks.
An appeal is made for a greater appreciation of the value of traditional fishing methods, and of indigenous knowledge in general. The talk will be accompanied by a display of traditional fishing methods.