SA Teen Entrepreneur

sa_teen_entrepreneurSA Teen Entrepreneur’s vision is to cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in all our teenagers through seminars, workshops, conferences and exhibitions because they believe that BIG IDEAS START YOUNG. They target high schools, Universities, Churches and Youth Centres.

The Teen Entrepreneur Foundation has launched membership programmes for Teens and Parents to keep them informed of various initiatives and opportunities that the Teen Entrepreneur Foundation will be offering. With over 18million Teenagers in South Africa, Teen Entrepreneur Foundation will aim to connect with all teenagers who believe that they have what it takes to develop their talents, passions and energy to create a better world for all.

The Cape Town Science Centre is the home of SA Teen Entrepreneur offices and regular workshops take place at the Science Centre and elsewhere. Their projects include the SA High Schools Enterprise Competition and African Young Entrepreneurs Expo & Conference, both planned for 2014.


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