Discover the wonders of our starry night sky at the Cape Town Science Centre kids-only sleepover for kids 8 to 12 years old. Experience an evening of fun hands-on astronomy activities, games and more!

Dates: Friday, 29 September 2017
Time: Arrival – 18:30 for 19:00
Departure: 07h00
Cost: R250 (Non-members)
R210 (members)
Bookings: 021 300 3200 or


18h30-19h00: Arrival and registration – find your sleeping place

19h00-19h15: Welcome, House Rules

19h15-20h00: Spacey Science Show

20h00-20h40: Planetarium 

20h40-21h20: Build a telescope

21h20-21h50: Snack break

22h30-23h00: Build a Stargazer/ Galaxy map

22h30-23h00: Star Gazing โ€“ find the constellations in the sky

23h00-23h30: Snack

00h30: Movies

06h30: Wakey wakey, tidy up

07h00: Pick up time

Download the “The Sky is NOT the limit” Sleepover Booking Form

Please note we require a minimum of 30 kids to run the sleepover.