The Cape Town Science Centre is celebrating the long weekend and Hertiage day by have a moment of science… Join us for this fun filled hands-on weekend of science workshops, demonstraions and science shows.

PROGRAMME: 22 – 24 September 2018

Saturday, 22 September
10:30 Dramatic Dry Ice
11:30 Slimy Slime
12:00 Camera Obscura
13:00 Science Show
14:00 To do or Dough?
15:00 Dramatic Dry Ice

Sunday, 23 September
10:30 Dramatic Dry Ice
11:30 Slimy Slime
12:00 Camera Obscura
13:00 Science Show
14:00 To do or Dough?
15:00 Dramatic Dry Ice

Monday, 24 September
10:30 Sink or Float
11:30 To do or Dough?
12:00 Camera Obscura
13:00 Science Show
14:00 Mysterious Erupting Bubbles
15:00 Sink or Float?


Slimy Slime (Age 5+ ● entry fee + R5)
Discover how to master your slime making skills in this fun hands-on gooey experiment. We’ll show you how to make slime chemistry activities everyone will love.

To do or Dough? (Age 5+ ● entry fee + R5)
Play-Doh is very interesting. Many people remember playing with it when they were children. Here we explore and find out how chemistry plays a roll in why Play-Doh is the way it is.

Mysterious Erupting Bubbles (Age 5+ ● entry fee only)
Kids will love this classic baking soda and vinegar experiment. They’ll ooh and ahh over the colourful chemical reactions they’ll create with just 3 kitchen ingredients!


Dramatic Dry Ice (All ages ● entry fee only)
Did you know -Dry ice is not frozen water – its frozen carbon dioxide (CO2). Unlike most solids, dry ice does not melt into a liquid as the temperature rises, but instead, changes directly into a gas. This process is called sublimation. The temperature of dry ice is –109.3°F (-78.5°C). Join us for some fascinating dry ice demonstrations.

Sink or Float (All ages ● entry fee only)
Does every object float or sink when placed in water or vinegar? Seems like a fairly straight forward question, but is it? Give this fun density science experiment a try and answer the question while learning a unique characteristic of water and vinegar.