The Cape Town Science Centre is co-hosting Law, Science and Indigenous Knowledge: a conference, interactive workshop and exhibition from Thursday, 4 to Saturday, 6 July. We will be co-hosting alongside the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment, the University of Southampton Law School and the University of Witwatersrand School of Law.

The Land we are on: We acknowledge that this workshop takes place on the ancestral land of the Khoi and Sān communities, who were forced off their land by Dutch colonial occupiers more than 367 years ago, and were under occupation by the British for 180 years, followed by the Apartheid government, into the current dispensation. The first dispossession of land for commercial agricultural purposes, including of the construction of the Pega Pega fence which became the boundary line of the Khoi Dutch Frontier Wars in 1559, occurred in what is today called Observatory. We need to protect, honour and recognise the history and peoples of this land and the ongoing displacement that these communities face.

If this is something you would be interested in attending, we have availability for you to join ONLINE. You can view the programme and register on the link below.