computers for oupa and gogo

The Cape Town Science Centre is offering a 6-week beginners computer course for adults who now have time on their hands and the zest to do a bit of techno-catch-up!

Learn the very basics, from using a computer mouse, shutting down and restarting your computer to more advanced skills such as emailing, using the internet, filing your photographs, creating a Facebook profile, snazzy documents and more! Dazzle your kids with your know-how and have fun communicating with your grandchildren as you become more computer literate.

Dates: 14 May – 18 June 2014
Place: Cape Town Science Centre – 370B Main Road. Observatory
Cost: R360 for the full 6-week course
Bookings: Carolynn on 021 685 6925 or 083 212 1181

Course presenter, Carolynn Bruton, has over 20 years’ experience as a computer teacher, has patience and a love for empowering individuals to enjoy the benefits of personal computing in today’s fast paced world.
She runs a computer company from home: or